Soar Valley Model
Railway Club
The leading model railway club for Leicestershire.
Established 1981.
Great reasons to join the SVMRC
If you’re an existing model railway enthusiast, new to the hobby or just want to improve your skills then why not join us at the SVMRC.
Our members come from all walks of life and have varied model railway skill sets. We have some members who are brilliant at electrical work whilst others are fantastic at being creative with scenery. We have some who have been modelling for years and some who are brand new to the hobby. We even have a professional model maker who has been building layouts throughout his career!
Whatever your level, you will be made to feel welcome to the club. Perhaps you are more interested in running model railways and are a collector of rolling stock? Whatever your interest and level the SVMRC has a warm welcome waiting for you.
We are a family orientated club and very much welcome family and junior members.
All Scales
We cater for all scales at the club. Our club layouts are primarily OO, O and N gauge.
Some members also model in other gauges and garden railways.
We run layouts in both DC and DCC, including our exhibition layouts. If you are interested in learning how to wire layouts in either format, we have members who can help you, and more importantly, can help to teach you the skills needed to apply to your own layout.
Adding decoders to loco’s and units, we have experienced members who can help with this.
Learning New Skills
Need to learn how to make buildings from scratch? Need to improve your scenic techniques? Perhaps your track layout design never quite comes through? All of these things and more can be worked on in a fun, friendly environment at the SVMRC. Give it a go….you can always do it again!
One of the main purposes of our club is to exhibit our own layouts and to visit other exhibitions.
If you would like to learn how to operate a layout, as part of a team, at exhibition level, then we can help make this happen. Our layouts are exhibited at various events throughout the country and we often get invited by exhibition managers to attend other shows around the country.
Club News
Committee Meeting
The next scheduled club committee meeting will be held on Tuesday 13th May 2025. at 20.00hrs.
Exhibitions & Events…
Our Charnwood Forest layout…
Our ‘O’ gauge layout Charnwood Forest Railway attending the Statfold Barn Model Show on 13/14th April. The layout performed excellently and a good time was had by all !.
Loughborough Model Railway Exhibition 2025
Our own premier annual model railway exhibition. 16th & 17th August 2025Loughborough Grammar School First lot of layouts and traders added to list. Updated : 05/12/24
Layouts News
Our Charnwood Forest layout…
Our ‘O’ gauge layout Charnwood Forest Railway attending the Statfold Barn Model Show on 13/14th April. The layout performed excellently and a good time was had by all !.
Foxhill Colliery Update
layout ready for show on 18/19th Jan at Birstall, Leicestershire. Foxhill Loughboro’Show 2024
Lossiemouth Progress…
Ian is now building the old harbour and walls. This is not to be confused with the seawall which is now done. To be updated……